July 14, 2018 | We’re Going Paperless!
Leave your thoughts | Categorised in: Fountain News & UpdatesFriends and neighbors:
Just as we aim to preserve and maintain our wonderful neighborhood landmarks, the Fountain at The Circle and Fountain Walk, our group also wants to be responsible in helping preserve other resources. To that end, we have begun a move to use less paper in whatever ways we can.
This past month, we sent a note to all households in our database for which we did not have emails. We asked that they help us “go paperless” by providing us with an email address for all future correspondence.
The response has been gratifying. We’ve received more than 100 so far. Even a few who said they would miss the kind of connection they feel through traditional means of communication sent along their emails, understanding that it is both more efficient and less of a drain on the planet. We also got several nice comments, including:
“Thank you for taking care of this Berkeley treasure, and going paperless!”
“My husband and I were original members of Friends of the Fountain and Walk and we are definitely interested in staying current with you. Thanks for keeping the organization going!”
“Sadly, we are moving from Southampton Avenue. But I will leave information about the fountain with the new owners.”
“Thank you for all that you do to create beauty and community in our neighborhood.”
“May the fountain go on & on.”
We’d like everyone who joins, donates, volunteers or just cares about the fountain, the walk and our organization’s work to help the city maintain them, to contact us with their email address. If you haven’t done so yet, it’s easy. Just click on one of the tabs at the top of our home page and the form you’ll fill out will let us know who you are and your email address. We’ll keep that on file to contact you about news and other developments.
Do it today, and help us go completely paperless!
–Board of Directors, Friends of the Fountain and Walk
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