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We are seeking a person who is interested in volunteering to help us with our website. We use WordPress, so, given the account and password, most people with some computer experience can compose pages and submit blogs. For more complicated situations, we have a volunteer web designer who designed and set up our website.

We need a web interface person who can help people get material added to the web site, either as a new blog, a new web page, or as a change to a web page. This would include preparing and uploading photographs, and cutting and pasting pre-typed text into WordPress. This person would also monitor our Gmail account for WordPress announcements and act accordingly.

This volunteer could also become active with both Facebook and Twitter.

If you are interested, please contact us at . Please visit our website: .



We are seeking a person who is interested in volunteering to help us with fund raising. We have a system already in place, and we would like to find someone with computer skills to manage the database (Excel spreadsheet). We will gladly show you the ropes. The person who has been handling it for many years is stepping aside to give others a chance.

We have an annual fund raising mailing of about 4,000 post cards during the holidays. There could be involvement in preparing the text and artwork, having it printed, preparing the list for labels to be printed, purchasing stamps, affixing labels and stamps and mailing, and keeping the records when the donations come in. It would also include the recording of any donations via PayPal. This person would generate thank you letters and envelopes using mail merge, add a personal note, and stamp and mail them.

If you are interested, please contact us at . Please visit our website: .



We are seeking a person who is interested in volunteering to help us once a month. The volunteer coordinator supervises the cleanup and landscape maintenance that takes place around the Fountain on the first Saturday of each month. Volunteer Coordinator sends out an email reminder, as well as a Blog. Early on Saturday morning, the volunteer coordinator gets things ready and identifies what needs to be done.

The volunteer coordinator may coordinate the Holiday decorations for the fountain. On the first Saturday in December volunteers decorate.

The volunteer coordinator should get to know the neighbors and interact with the City as needed. On occasion we interact with student community groups to accomplish larger tasks.

If you are interested, please contact us at . Please visit our website: .

It is a great opportunity to get involved with a community grass roots non-profit organization. We are a volunteer board of neighbors who live near the fountain. We look forward to hearing from you.

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