November 11, 2022 | To add new lighting, fountain will go dark
Leave your thoughts | Categorised in: Fountain News & Updates, Fountain WorksFriends and neighbors:
If you’ve passed by the Fountain at The Circle on a recent evening, you may have noticed that some of the lights that illuminate it at night have not been on. That is due to an electrical problem with the lights in the main fountain basin. The fountain’s bear cubs and crown remain lit.
To resolve the problem, Friends of the Fountain and Walk is working with the City of Berkeley to replace the existing halogen lights in the main pool with new low-wattage LED lights. That process will take a few weeks, during which the fountain at some point will need to shut off and emptied.
The schedule for this work should have the fountain up and running and fully illuminated again before the end of November. Meaning that barring unforeseen obstacles, we should all be able to enjoy the holiday tradition of a lighted and decorated fountain and Circle island through the month of December.
We will update you on the progress of this project as soon as possible.
— Board of Directors, Friends of the Fountain and Walk
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