April 30, 2021 | The Fountain Flows Again!
1 Comment | Categorised in: Fountain News & Updates, Fountain Works, VolunteeringFriends and neighbors:
After six long weeks of dormancy, the Fountain at The Circle is flowing again.
Repairs to the main pump and a crucial fill valve have been made, new timers for the pumps have been installed, the fountain structure has been inspected and given a thumbs up. A few smaller repairs are yet to be completed, but we are optimistic that things will be back to normal in the days ahead.
We want to thank the city staffers who did the work to bring the fountain back to life: Jason Mathews, Walt Vanderwald, Tom Salkowitz and Justin Pitcher. And thanks to head of Public Works Liam Garland, Parks, Recreation and Waterfront director Scott Ferris and Superintendent of Parks Bruce Pratt for working closely with Friends of the Fountain and Walk to keep the fountain, The Circle and Fountain Walk maintained.
Speaking of maintenance, a crew of FOFW volunteers plan to be out on The Circle and Walk this weekend for the first time in more than a year to do some weeding, raking and general cleaning up – and observing pandemic protocols. If this goes well, and our recovery from the pandemic continues, we hope to resume our monthly work parties beginning in June. They occur on the first Saturday of the month beginning around 9 a.m. Tools and gloves are provided. If you’d like to join us, find out more by clicking the Volunteer tab on our website, and drop us an email at fountainandwalk@gmail.com.
Thanks as always for your support of Friends of the Fountain and Walk.
— The Board of Directors
« Fountain Repair Update: Close to Done | May 13: Berkeley Architecture Presentation »
1 Comment
Wonderful!! Thank you for your hard work.