October 28, 2019 | Students Join in on Berkeley Project Day
Leave your thoughts | Categorised in: Events, Uncategorized, VolunteeringFriends and neighbors:
Friends of the Fountain and Walk held its monthly maintenance day a week early on Saturday, Oct. 26, in order that our volunteers could partner with a group of students taking part in the annual Berkeley Project Day scheduled for that day.
The students — from left, seniors Alex Rudolph and Jackson Bader and freshman Marisa Salazar — were from nearby Saint Mary’s College High School. They were joined by two Saint Mary’s faculty members, Michael Sommers and Clare McCormick, at right. The youngsters spent about two hours alongside our regular work crew, helping give the drained fountain a good fall cleaning, as well as raking, sweeping and picking up all around The Circle and Fountain Walk.
Two much younger helpers also turned out. Fountain and Walk neighbor Lauren (at right) and her friend Layelani, both 9 years old, supervised by Lauren’s dad John, spent an hour picking up trash all around The Circle neighborhood.
We’d love to see more young people get involved in our preservation and maintenance efforts. If you know of a group of youngsters or an individual young person who might be interested, or who might need to earn some community service hours for school, please encourage them to seek us out. They can contact us here, or send an email to fountainandwalk@gmail.com. One of our volunteer coordinators will help arrange things.
— Friends of the Fountain and Walk
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