January 27, 2022 | Repairs at The Circle Underway
Leave your thoughts | Categorised in: UncategorizedFriends and neighbors:
This morning (Jan. 27), almost a month after a large truck knocked over several of the bollards lining the perimeter of the fountain island in the middle of The Circle, repairs got underway.
A city crew was out early digging up the toppled bollards, assessing the damage, and re-erecting the pillars that form protective barrier. It seems only two of the bollards needed to be replaced; the others were re-posted in holes filled with concrete.
Still to be done: The lengths of heavy chain strung between the bollards have to hung, and the landscaping around the damaged area on the west side of the island needs to be restored.
We hope that once the repairs are complete and the site is cleaned up, the island that holds the Fountain at The Circle will be as good as new. And that we all take this as a reminder to drive safely while traversing The Circle.
— FOFW Board of Directors
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