February 14, 2020 | Reminder: Please Keep the Fountain Sign-Free
1 Comment | Categorised in: Fountain News & UpdatesFriends and neighbors:
Time for our seasonal reminder about electioneering at The Circle…
The March primary election is fast approaching, and the candidates and ballot measures are working hard to get your attention and your vote. Campaign signs are popping up everywhere, and we expect to see them around The Circle — always a popular spot due to its high volume of traffic.
So please share this reminder with the candidates and campaigns you might support: Both Friends of the Fountain and Walk and the City of Berkeley request that no campaign signs, or signs of any kind — real estate, yard sales, etc. – be placed on the island that holds the fountain in the center of The Circle. They can be a distraction and a danger to drivers moving through the busy roundabout. (And please: No stationing of sign-waving campaign supporters on the island, either.)
Please place any signs (and people) on the parking strips along the sidewalks around The Circle. Thanks.
— Your friends at FOFW
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1 Comment
Thank you very much for this policy. With possibly different opinions about where signs could go, praise is due your committee for this viable alternative plan that has emerged. This same spirit could help heal the heart of democracy.