March 11, 2017 | Public Meeting: Improvements on The Circle and Walk
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Please mark your calendars for Saturday, March 18, at 10 a.m. That’s the time and date of a community meeting the city parks department is holding to discuss some proposed improvements around The Circle and possibly along Fountain Walk. The meeting, which may run two hours, will take place at the North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Ave. (at the corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Way).
Here is a flyer with details: Meeting Notice – 3-18-17
Some of you may remember a similar meeting held a few years ago at Live Oak Park where ideas for possible capital improvements to these historic settings were first discussed. Things have moved a bit slowly since then, but some basic ideas are coming into focus. They include some possible changes in the landscaping around The Circle and increased lighting along Fountain Walk. Other ideas, both from city staff and attendees, may also be discussed.
The funding for these improvements was first expected to come from funds available though Measure WW, a regional parks improvement bond passed in 2008. It turned out that The Circle and Fountain Walk, though designated city historical landmarks, do not qualify as a park. So the funding is expected to come from the parks budget, while the WW funds that were set aside for the improvements can got to other qualified park projects. (Some of the planned funding is not yet in hand; it will be requested in the upcoming city budget.)
This meeting is your chance to hear about and weigh in on the proposed improvements, and offer other ideas as well. We encourage you to attend if you can. If not, check back here after the meeting for a full report.
A note: A few other planned improvements are already in process for The Circle. One will fix the storm drain/sewer situation to make sure runoff ends up in the proper place. The other will replace the heavy metal doors on the “vault” that contains the pumping system for the fountain with new ones that are much easier for city staff and FOFW volunteers to open. Those fixes (hopefully) should be taking place within a few months.
Hope to see you March 18.
— Friends of the Fountain and Walk