October 6, 2016 | Politics and the Fountain at The Circle
Leave your thoughts | Categorised in: UncategorizedFriends and neighbors:
Just a quick note to address a question that has arisen in some people’s minds regarding an image that appears on campaign signage for District 5 council candidate Sophie Hahn.
The image, set inside a label that reads “Authentic, Local, Berkeley,” is a representation of the Fountain at The Circle, our lovely Northbrae landmark and the focal point of the efforts of Friends of the Fountain and Walk (FOFW).
Some people have wondered if the fountain’s appearance on the signs indicates that FOFW has endorsed Ms. Hahn. We have not. We do not make political endorsements.
The fountain (whose intriguing history you can learn here at our website) is a public work of art, and the use of its image is not controlled (though there are restrictions on reproductions of the bear cub sculptures and other ornamental elements).
So vote for the candidates of your choice on Nov. 8, with the knowledge that FOFW is not taking sides.
And speaking of campaign signs: Both FOFW and the City of Berkeley request that no campaign signs – or signs of any kind – be placed on the island that holds the fountain in the center of The Circle. They can be a distraction and a danger to drivers moving through in the busy roundabout. Please place any signs on the parking strips along the sidewalks around The Circle.
Thanks very much.
–Friends of the Fountain and Walk