Friends and neighbors: On Thursday, Nov. 7, nearly 150 people filled Northbrae Community Church’s Haver Hall to join Friends of the Fountain and Walk for an evening exploring the history of our neighborhood, the church itself, architect John Hudson Thomas and the work of FOFW in preserving Northbrae’s landmark fountain and walk. Those in attendance heard a welcome from District...
Friends and neighbors: Friends of the Fountain and Walk held its monthly maintenance day a week early on Saturday, Oct. 26, in order that our volunteers could partner with a group of students taking part in the annual Berkeley Project Day scheduled for that day. The students — from left, seniors Alex Rudolph and Jackson Bader and freshman Marisa Salazar...
Friends and neighbors: The Fountain at The Circle is on the air! For some time now, KQED-FM has been running a series called “Bay Curious,” where its reporters try to answer questions about life in the Bay Area. Recently, FOFW was contacted to help with a question: What’s the story of the Fountain at The Circle? The result is this...
Friends and neighbors: Mark your calendars! On Thursday, Nov. 7, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Friends of the Fountain and Walk will join with Northbrae Community Church to present an illustrated talk about our unique neighborhood: its colorful history, the origins and restoration of the Fountain at The Circle and Fountain Walk, and many other intriguing facts about this more...
Friends and neighbors: If you, your friends or others you know are participating in the annual Solano Stroll this Sunday, Sept. 8, please think about strolling just off of upper Solano Avenue and making a visit to the landmark Fountain at The Circle and Fountain Walk. They are just minutes away from the top of Solano at The Alameda and...
Friends and neighbors: A few things to bring to your attention… Coins yes, bricks no: We find all manner of things in the fountain at times: rubber ducks, a wedding ring, an occasional fish, and lots of coins tossed in for good luck. Mostly benign and harmless stuff. But this week half a brick showed up in one of the...
Friends and neighbors: First, here is hoping that with the arrival of the Fourth of July Thursday, everyone enjoys a great, long holiday weekend. Our volunteers were out this past weekend (a weekend earlier than usual) to spruce up The Circle and Fountain Walk as they do each month, and things are looking great around this city landmark. If you’d...
Friends and neighbors: On Monday, June 3, members of Friends of the Fountain and Walk presented an illustrated talk about the connections linking Berkeley’s venerable Hillside Club with the development of our Northbrae neighborhood and the construction of the original Fountain at The Circle and Fountain Walk. The talk was very well attended, with about 80 people filling the Hillside...
Friends and neighbors: About 30 people turned out Saturday, May 18, for a walking tour of the Northbrae neighborhood that includes the Fountain at The Circle and Fountain Walk. By the time the walk ended about 1 1/2 hours later, the surprising mid-May rain had begun to fall and the number of walkers had dwindled. But the walk, co-hosted by...
Friends and neighbors: Just a quick note to let you know that if you have signed up to join us and the Berkeley Historical Society for the history tour of the neighborhood that’s home to the Fountain at The Circle and Fountain Walk, it will take place whatever the weather brings. We’ll meet at 10 a.m. on the sidewalk at...