Friends and neighbors: Overnight on Dec. 16-17, some pranksters tossed two large (half-gallon) bottles of dishwashing liquid into the fountain. By morning, there was a 2-foot tall layer of dense soap suds covering the fountain pool. While this is an eye-catching sight for some passers-by — “Is that snow?” some drivers asked — it is a real problem and chore...
The tradition of decorating the Fountain at The Circle for the holiday season was carried out again this past weekend, as volunteers with Friends of the Fountain and Walk added greenery and lighting — and snazzy holiday outfits for the fountain’s four grizzly bear cubs. Last week, a crew led by longtime FOFW president and volunteer coordinator Sara Holmes crafted...
Neighbors: Today (Friday, Dec. 2), a crew from the City of Berkeley is scheduled to carry out some maintenance on the Fountain at The Circle, which may include draining much of the water out and refilling it. As our neighborhood volunteer organization has stated many times during our drought-challenged times, we and the city do all we can not to remove...
This Saturday 3 December is the first Saturday of the month. The weather should be fine! We plan to decorate for the holidays. A small group of us will begin putting up the garland and lights about 8am. The neighborhood kids will arrive about 9am to adorn the bears. Please feel free to invite your friends/neighbors/children to join in the...
On Tuesday, Nov. 15, the Berkeley City Council honored longtime Friends of the Fountain and Walk leaders Sara and Harvard Holmes (pictured at center in the photo above) with an official proclamation, praising the couple for their years of dedication to FOFW and the community. The proclamation, put forward by District 5 Councilmember Laurie Capitelli and signed by the entire...
VOLUNTEER WEB PERSON/MEDIA GURU We are seeking a person who is interested in volunteering to help us with our website. We use WordPress, so, given the account and password, most people with some computer experience can compose pages and submit blogs. For more complicated situations, we have a volunteer web designer who designed and set up our website. We need...
This Saturday 5 November is the first Saturday of the month. The weather should be fine! Volunteers will be meeting at 1992 Los Angeles at 9am to maintain the landscaping around the Fountain and on Fountain Walk. Come and join us! For those of you who are joining us for the first time, feel free to bring any favorite gloves...
Friends and neighbors: Just a quick note to address a question that has arisen in some people’s minds regarding an image that appears on campaign signage for District 5 council candidate Sophie Hahn. The image, set inside a label that reads “Authentic, Local, Berkeley,” is a representation of the Fountain at The Circle, our lovely Northbrae landmark and the focal...
This Saturday 1 October is the first Saturday of the month. The weather should be fine! Volunteers will be meeting at 1992 Los Angeles at 9am to maintain the landscaping around the Fountain and on Fountain Walk. Come and join us! For those of you who are joining us for the first time, feel free to bring any favorite gloves...
All this month at the Albany Public Library, you can view a display on the history of the Fountain at The Circle and Fountain Walk and the work of Friends of the Fountain and Walk to ensure that these city landmarks are preserved for current residents and future generations to enjoy. The exhibit, which includes vintage photographs and documents, images of both...