August 5, 2024 | Coming Soon: New Flowers Around The Circle

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Friends and neighbors:

The Circle at Marin and Arlington avenues, with its centerpiece fountain, includes a grand, circular balustrade that creates the outer edge of The Circle’s public precinct. The balustrade opens at each of the seven radiating streets, allowing them all to join at The Circle.

John Galen Howard, the designer of The Circle, the fountain and Fountain Walk, punctuated each of these balustrade openings with pedestals on the sides of each street that support 13 large terra cotta flowerpots. The red-orange geraniums in the pots have created a dramatic sense of entry and a necklace of color around the fountain for many years.

The flowers are now almost 10 years old and are at the end of their life cycle. The Friends of the Fountain and Walk will be replacing these flowers with new geraniums thanks to your generous donations. Look for the work to happen over the next few weeks.

We thank you for your continued support that helps keep the fountain and walk looking great. Enjoy the new flowers and color the next time you’re at The Circle!

–Steve Weindel for the Board of Directors

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  • Kathleen (kathy) Keller says:

    Totally love it!!! Thanks so much to all who’ve donated time and/or $!!!!!
    Thank you folks!!!!!
    I used to live at the Julia Morgan, 13 houses in on the upper Arlington

    • Friends of the Fountain and Walk says:

      Hello, Kathleen. The community has been consistently generous over the years — more than 30 now! — since FOFW was formed. That is a beautiful house you used to live in. The current owners appear to appreciate it just as much.

  • Marian Simpson says:

    I have to say, I love the geraniums, and I continue to be amazed at how their caretakers keep them in flower pretty much year round. I wish they would share the secret!

    • Friends of the Fountain and Walk says:

      Thanks, Marian. Our volunteers tend to them during our monthly workdays (or sometimes more often), pruning and fertilizing as needed. Several neighbors on The Circle also either water them by hand or have installed drip lines to keep them watered. We hope these new plants will continue to bring a splash of color to The Circle.

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