October 1, 2014 | City – Volunteer Recognition
Leave your thoughts | Categorised in: Fountain News & Updates, VolunteeringOn Saturday 27 September the City of Berkeley Parks Division held its second annual volunteer recognition day: http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/Parks_Rec_Waterfront/Home/Community_Parks_Day_-_Volunteer_Recognition_Ceremony.aspx Harvard and I were acknowledged (along with about 5 other volunteers), and Scott Dunlap and Charlie Wilson (also from the Friends of the Fountain and Walk board) attended and were part of the recognition of the work by Friends of the Fountain and Walk, presented by Scott Ferris, Director of Parks, Recreation and Waterfront and Darryl Moore, City Councilmember from District 2. Other Parks staff were present, and it was a good opportunity to meet them.
Here are a few pictures:
- Cake
- Charlie Wilson, Scott Dunlap, Harvard & Sara Holmes
- Harvard & Sara Holmes & Scott Ferris
- Harvard & Sara Holmes, Scott Ferris & Darryl Moore