The main pump for the fountain has malfunctioned. A new pump has been ordered and the City will install it when their schedule allows. In the meantime, we have made a temporary “fix” that allows the water to flow out of the crown jet fountainhead on top. The flow is much reduced from its normal flow, but at least the...
The main pump for the fountain has malfunctioned, so the fountain will be off until The City can replace pump. Updates will be made available as we learn more. Thank you for your support and love of the fountain.
Dear friends and neighbors: As the end of the year approaches, your friends at Friends of the Fountain and Walk want to offer our warmest holiday wishes – and a big thank-you for your ongoing support, which has made so much possible this year. First and foremost, our City’s beloved Fountain at The Circle got its first major upgrade since...
In just a few weeks, the Fountain at The Circle will be decorated for the holidays, complete with festive lighting and (faux) evergreen garlands. This morning, the fountain was turned into what looked like a winter snowscape: Someone tossed an entire bottle of dishwashing soap (Trader Joe’s brand, by the way) into the pool, creating a giant bubble bath —...
This Saturday is the first Saturday of the month. The weather should be fine, although we need the rain! Volunteers will be meeting at 1992 Los Angeles at 9am to maintain the landscaping around the Fountain and on Fountain Walk. Come and join us! For those of you who are joining us for the first time, feel free to bring...
This Saturday 5 September is the first Saturday of the month. Volunteers will be meeting at 1992 Los Angeles at 9am to maintain the landscaping around the Fountain and on Fountain Walk. Come and join us! Friends of the Fountain and Walk and one of our volunteers, Wendy Wells, have been working to beautify Fountain Walk. Thanks to Wendy for...
Thanks to the community for their interest in the fountain. After a number of questions about water use, we have put up a banner to let the community know that we are recirculating our precious water. See details here.
This Saturday August 1 is the first Saturday of the month. Volunteers will be meeting at 1992 Los Angeles at 9am to maintain the landscaping around the Fountain and on Fountain Walk. Come and join us! Last month we added in compost to enrich the soil. We will continue on this special project to beautify Fountain Walk. Please come help...
FOFW friends and neighbors: As the drought continues and water restrictions tighten, some of you may wonder: Why does the Fountain at The Circle continue to operate? It’s a reasonable question, to which there is a good answer: The fountain is – so far – drought-compliant. The fountain — a 1996 reproduction of the original, a landmark 1911 work of art...
We have been working on the website to recover from the changes due to the WordPress update. We have added new photos to all of the Galleries that were taken in the early 1990s with film cameras and scanned! We also added a new Gallery about the 3-D scanning of the fountain art features that was done in January of...