Today was the forty-second day of the repairs to the fountain. Here is what was done, followed by some photos: The Electrical Department replaced the wiring in the vault to the four pool light fixtures. They also completed installing one new light fixture and adding sealant gel to the junction box, which is submerged under water. The gel requires two...
Today was the forty-first day of the repairs to the fountain. Here is what was done, followed by some photos: City Parks Department staff worked on remedying the water not coming out of the top (crown jet fountainhead) as before. They installed a few more pipes to make the temporary setup permanent. This should allow the water to come out...
Today was the fortieth day of the repairs to the fountain. Here is what was done, followed by some photos: City Parks Department staff and a couple Friends of the Fountain and Walk (FOFW) Board members worked on remedying the water not coming out of the top (crown jet fountainhead) as before. City Parks Department staff installed a few more...
Today was the thirty-ninth day of the repairs to the fountain. Here is what was done, followed by some photos: A couple Friends of the Fountain and Walk (FOFW) Board members worked on remedying the water not coming out of the top (crown jet fountainhead) as before. This is a temporary fix to help us understand the problem. City Parks...
Today was the thirty-first day of the repairs to the fountain. Here is what was done, followed by some photos: City Parks Department continued assembling the disc filter, the main pump and the platform it sits on, and the associated plumbing in the “vault” for the fountain. We will have to keep the fountain drained until the repairs are completed....
This Saturday is the first Saturday of the month. Volunteers will be meeting at 1992 Los Angeles at 9am to maintain the landscaping around the Fountain and on Fountain Walk. Come and join us! For those of you who are joining us for the first time, feel free to bring any favorite gloves or tools, however, I do supply those...
While doing more prep work on the fountain pool surface today, we found a ring in the middle bowl. If it is yours, please contact us at: . Happy Valentine’s Day!
Today there were no repairs to the fountain. City staff is working on a traffic safety plan that will keep the staff safe as they are working from their vehicles near the fountain. Repairs will resume when the plan has been worked out. My reports will continue at that point. City Parks Department has discovered that grinding off the painted...
Friends and neighbors: Last night (Weds., Jan. 28), the City of Berkeley’s Parks, Recreation and Waterfront Dept. held a community meeting at Live Oak Park to gather ideas for possible improvements to the historic Fountain and Walk area. These improvements would be paid for with $130,000 in funds from Measure WW, a regionwide local grant program for acquisition and improvement...
Friends and neighbors: Tonight (Jan. 28) from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Live Oak Park Fireside Room, the City of Berkeley is hosting a public meeting on how some funds set aside for improvements to The Circle and Fountain Walk will be allocated. These are funds from Measure WW, a regionwide local grant program for acquisition and improvement of parkland and...