December 26, 2017 | At Year’s End, Good News and Bad
Leave your thoughts | Categorised in: UncategorizedFriends and neighbors:
Just a quick note as we reach the end of 2017. First, briefly, the bad, or maybe sad, news:
After several vandalism-free months, the Fountain at The Circle had detergent or some other soap tossed in it on Christmas night. It’s discouraging, especially after we felt we had had some success raising consciousness in the community over the past year about how this seemingly innocent prank has real consequences, including wasting water, putting the fountain out of commission, and potentially damaging the works. So we appeal to everyone again: Please do all you can to discourage the idea of this as harmless “fun.”
Now for better news: In a year-end campaign, we reached out to many in the community who have financially supported Friends of the Fountain and Walk previously, and the response has been gratifying. Along with their tax-deductible donations to support FOFW’s work helping the city maintain and improve the Fountain and Fountain Walk, many have expressed their gratitude and sense of connection to the landmarks we all enjoy every day. So we say thanks, again, to all those who have donated. (To make your own donation before year’s end, please go here. You can also find ways to volunteer — we are in urgent need of a volunteer to administer our website — by going here.)
And rather than recapitulate the highlights of 2017, I’d suggest scrolling back through our blog to see all that has been accomplished this year — especially the re-landscaping of the island and other areas surrounding The Circle. We hope and anticipate that these new plantings will be a great addition for years to come.
Thanks again to everyone for their support. Happy new year!
— Michael Gray, for the FOFW Board of Directors
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